English speaking
therapists in NL


In general

By accessing this site and its information, the user declares to have seen the following conditions, to understand it, to agree with it and to be bound to it.


All information on this website can only be seen as informational and does not substitute in any way personal professional advice, diagnose, treatment or opinion of a counsellor, therapist, psychologist, general practitioner or other professional.


The user is responsible for the choices he makes on the basis of the information on this website and for the way he uses this information. The user does not receive any rights when using the information on this site. The information on this website can be changed without permission or announcement.



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The content of this website, including all info, images, texts and combinations of it and the software is protected by copyright.


These rights are owned by Without permission from it is not allowed to copy this site or any part of it.



Linked websites

We are not responsible for any information or content of any internet websites that are linked to this website. A link to another website is exclusively meant for the convenience of the user.


The use of linked websites is on the user's own risk. 


We accept no obligation, responsibility or liability. We have the right to change or remove any link or information on this website at any time. 



No liability

Despite of the care for the content of this site and its information, we cannot garantee that the available information is complete, correct or up to date. 


We want to point out explicitly to the user that some information comes from external sources.


We accept no liability for any direct or indirect damage or loss, of any nature, that results from or has a connection with the usage of this site, the (un)accessibility of the site or the software, no matter whether or not the user was or is aware of the possibility of (possible) damage or loss.




This privacy policy has been updated at 01-09-2022.

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