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body-oriented (trauma) therapist and coach - Delft - Wim
Therapist Delft
van Kinschotstraat 3
2614 XJ Delft

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Wim | body-oriented (trauma) therapist and coach

Therapist Delft

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Do you want to change things structurally and don’t you mind digging deeper if necessary? Then you've come to the right place.

By just being conscious you don't rewrite your old patterns, which often hinder you. Those patterns are stored in other parts of your brain and body. That is why interventions on a deeper layer are needed to achieve lasting change.

In these interventions I offer you recognition, safety and humour. So that you (re)find the track with more self-confidence, peace, balance and fun.


Welcome to my practice for body-oriented therapy and coaching. Where necessary, I combine body-oriented therapy with EMDR and multiple interventions, such as systemic work, Voice Dialogue or NLP methods.


Do you recognize the situation that you have realized that you do something in a not very helpful way, but that it is not really within reach to change your behaviour?

When you intend to practice other behaviour, you often only succeed for a short time. And as soon as you realize that, you make another effort to do it differently. With the same result a little later. That's frustrating. And sometimes discouraging. While it is very logical that you do not rewrite old patterns only with your conscious brain.

These patterns are often stored in other parts of your brain and body than just the cognitive part.

I would like to explore with you what it takes for you to reverse those patterns. In a way that requires quite an effort, but that is hopefully integrated in such a way that it continues more automatically.



About myself as a therapist

I often go deeper, because I believe that if something is touched in the underlying patterns, you can arrive at new (automatic) behaviour. This often concerns identity (self-esteem) or mission. How you act and how you feel is strongly related to how you look at yourself and how you give meaning to life. Connecting your behaviour to your mission can provide a lot of space and energy.

In counselling I like to go for such structural improvements, but always in connection with your wishes as a client.

An important basis for the therapy is that it feels safe and a good intake contributes to this. It starts with a short introduction and continues with exploring and deepening the question. Often clients give me back that they quickly feel safe, that they sometimes confide in me things that they haven't told anyone else yet. In my counselling I also find it important to reflect without judgment what strikes me. Leaving things unnamed doesn't help much.

I am familiar with an analytical world of thinking, I easily make connections and have a quick understanding. In the end it’s important to connect thinking and feeling.




It gives me a lot of energy and satisfaction to interact constructively with a client. Rather focused on sustainable healing than on an ad hoc solution. This takes more time, but also yields more. I get a lot of energy from offering a safe environment, to experience moments of relief and discharge and to guide someone in taking structural steps.

The guidance does not feel heavy to me, my approach is to contribute to healing in a playful, relaxed and sometimes cheerful way.




In a therapy process I use both intuitive and result-oriented interventions. I often join in with what presents itself and meanwhile I give direction in the conversation what seems relevant to me. I combine that with a practical approach with tools (and homework) to work on different behaviour in concrete terms.

If there is evidence of developmental trauma or shock trauma, I will use body-oriented trauma therapy and EMDR. The combination of these makes it very powerful. In addition, I draw from a wide range of methodologies and exercises, whichever suits your situation best. Your process is always central.


In trauma it is about being injured, about the hitch between feeling and consciousness. As a trauma therapist, I want to help someone heal the wound, no matter how anxious it feels to even approach it, so that it can heal.

My talent is to connect with the undercurrent of one's pain and one's being. By acting as a mirror out of compassion, you are helped to recognize what is there and to allow it being there. This subsequently provides more connection between the feeling and consciousness, the connection between which was broken. Which already is a start of healing.


It's not strange what you're walking with. As an experienced counsellor I offer you recognition, clarification and humour. So that you (re)find the track with more self-confidence, peace, balance, energy, space and pleasure in your work and life.


In short, if you are looking for a therapist who…

o    want to help you rewrite underlying patterns

o    can connect your behaviour with your mission and with meaning

o    advocates a practical approach with concrete steps

o    helps you to give a place to overwhelming events

o    offers you space and recognition

o    is accessible and that you can easily confide in

o    can make things shine a little lighter with humour every now and then

o    has an analytical mindset and can connect with empathy

contact me for a no-obligation intake.

In an intake interview you can see if it clicks and what I can do for you. If you do not want to continue or if I see reason to refer you, the intake is free of charge. If you do want to continue, than it is the first session. If an
intake is canceled or moved shorter than 48 hours before the appointment then costs will be charged. 

Please contact me if you want to know more or make an appointment,




Qualifications and registrations

2023 Opleiding Hou me vast training - EFT Nederland
2022 Relatietherapie Emotional Focus Therapy EFT - EFT Nederland
2020-2022  Traumatherapie - Atma Instituut
2021  EMDR - Takeoffsupport
2020  Teamcoaching - Boeii
2020  Een taal erbij - Systeemacademie
2019  Alexander Concept - Ander Leven
2017  Taal van het lichaam - Eerste verdieping
2014-2015  NLP Master Practitioner - Eerste verdieping
2012-2013  NLP Master - Eerste verdieping
2008-2009  Leergang coaching voor managers - School voor coaching
Communicatie, Interactie en Management­vaardig­heden - van Harte en Lingsma

Furthermore, various communication training courses. Finally, I have been coached several times myself and that has given me a lot.

Professional associations
Nederlandse Orde van Beroepscoaches (NOBCO)

Vereniging van Christencoaches (VCC)

I offer therapy in


For individuals: €110,- (incl. VAT) per session of 60 minutes
For couples: €133,10 (incl. VAT) per session of 60 minutes

For companies I am happy to make a tailor-made offer.

Availability (Opening hours)

Monday 8.00 -17.00
Tuesday -
Wednesday 8.00 -17.00
Thursday -
Friday 8.00 -17.00
Saturday -
Sunday -



Reviews Therapist Delft

Below you will find reviews about Therapist Delft - Wim

Rating of 5 out of 5
Based on 2 reviews

(Write your own review)

Wim has helped me to be more empathetic

Wim has helped me to be more empathetic to myself and to others. During the sessions I discovered the power of understanding my emotions/feelings and the roots behind some of them. I feel now more empowered to do the things that I want to do with less stress.

| Delft | 2 Apr 2024
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There was an amazing atmosphere

It took a lot from me to admit I needed help. Given that these would be my first-ever therapy sessions, I had no frame of reference for exercises and practices. However, what we did in the sessions proved very useful in unlocking key aspects of my past, a task that I didn’t think was possible. It was quite a revelation and I am very happy with it.

There was an amazing atmosphere. The room is peaceful and the setup is very cozy. It put me in a zone where I could feel safe sharing my problems. Very warm and welcoming. It is a quiet place and has a sense of security to it. Wim de Jager is excellent at conversing and quite clever at getting people to talk to him. Despite being a closed-of person, I found myself sharing quiet quickly.

I received help in a way that I didn’t think I would get. Strict and firm with the right amount of empathy for my problems. Always maintaining effective communication. Helped me see through the dark thoughts. Very helpful. Progress was made in many of the goals I had set out to achieve. Lot more work to be done from my side but it was a good process. I will definitely (time-permitting) love to have more sessions eventually.

| Delft | 23 Feb 2024
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