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Coach, counselor and integrative therapist  - Almere - Rabia
Therapist Almere
Randstad 22-163
1316BM Almere
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Rabia | Coach, counselor and integrative therapist

Therapist Almere

My vision and mission

Through coaching, counseling, therapy and training I help people regain their strength and get the best out of themselves. When you take matters into your own hands, you can lead a meaningfull life. You see challenges as opportunities and you are open to learn and enjoy your life. Do you experience obstacles to achieving this feeling in your own life? Then I can guide you professionally and personally towards your goal. It is an honor for me to contribute to your process.


What can I do for you?

My guidance is suitable for anyone who walks around with a desire for change. Everyone has something they want different or better from time to time. If you can't figure it out yourself, you can reach for professional help. As a therapist I strive to guide you effectively in an open and safe setting, so that you can achieve your goals. For example, if you:


• Want to discover who you are and find your place in society.

• Want to discover your talents and develop yourself further.

• Want to change your lifestyle.

• Want to become more resilient and set your boundaries better.

• Want to learn how to deal with stress better.

• Want to get rid of restlessness, insomnia, depressed feelings or fears

• Want to process grief, loss or trauma.

• Want to tackle a difficult characteristic of yourself.

• Want to tackle identity problems

• Want to improve your relationships with your partner, family, friends or colleagues.

• Want to learn to deal with conflicting feelings about your identity, faith or relationship.

• Want to get started with questions of meaning and spirituality.

• Want to have more passion, pleasure or motivation in your work.

• Want to learn new skills and grow in your career.

• Want to prevent or recover from a burnout.


Some themes are more suitable for coaching. Counseling or therapy are more appropriate for other themes. You can also contact me as a confidential advisor for questions and topics that you cannot discuss with others. Depending on your goal, we choose the most appropriate approach together.


Take control of your life

I tune my guidance in to you as a unique human being. I hear and see you in all facets of your humanity. Not only your problems, but also your strength and wisdom. My job is to help you find solutions and take steps. This way you regain control of your life.

Learn, grow and heal

I am specialized in integrative psychotherapy and make use of the latest insights from scientific research. The basic idea is that every person can learn, grow and heal. You may not be able to use this ability temporarily but be assured: it is always there. During our sessions we choose the right working methods together to help you get back on track.


Plan of action

After an interview where the problem and the goal are defined, we will plan together how you can get started. In this process it is very important that you are motivated and committed. You must be able to look deeper into yourself and see your strengths and weaknesses as a human being. Acknowledge your thoughts, beliefs and feelings. Nothing human is alien to us. I help you to tackle your inner blockages and move toward healing, so that you can live your most beautiful life. Bij focussing each time on one specific theme, you can achieve great results in the foreseeable future.


Your privacy is guaranteed

Everything we discuss during our sessions is confidential and covered by my professional secrecy. I only provide information to others if I have your explicit permission to do so.


Who am I?

After my propaedeutic year in English language and literature at the university of Tetouan in Morocco, I moved to the Netherlands. Emigration was a tough experience for me: saying goodbye to my familiar environment and moving on in a new environment was not easy. I did not do it in one day. It was a deep process of working on my grief and ganining resilience. It took months if not years to regain my emotional stability and adjust to the new environment. In these difficult times I would hear a deep and strong inner voice saying: It’s Ok and you will make it through. I learned to listen and belief. I learned to slow down, start from scratch and take one small step at a time. What really helped me was the love of my family, my passion for learning and my desire to connect with people.


I completed my study Social Work at a higher professional education level (faculty of applied science in Amsterdam). After my study I gained a lot of experience as a counselor for individuals, families and groups. I was also operational manager of group social work in Almere.

I also worked for more than 10 years exclusively with groups. At one point I was ready for a deepening. I found it at the Dutch Academy of Psychotherapy. I graduated as an integrative therapist and I have been working in my private therapy practice for a few years now. I am also a supervisor, learning therapist and teacher at the Dutch Academy of Integrative Psychotherapy. 


If you want to know more or make an appointment, feel free to contact me.


Online therapy

Sessions online
It is possible to have sessions take place online. We then use a secure video call connection via Zoom. This can be a solution, for example, if the distance to the practice is too big or because you like to alternate practice sessions with sessions online. Incidentally, not all requests for help are equally suitable for an online approach. Together we discuss what is possible and what suits your situation.

Qualifications and registrations

My recent courses in a row:

Hypnotherapy (2014)

European Certificate Psychotherapy: Integrative Psychotherapy (2015)

Teacher Training (2019)

Post-HBO POH-GGZ (2019)

Supervision training (2020)

Mindfulness (2021)

Sensorimotor Therapy (2022)

My registrations

AGB code: 94109225

AGB code practice: 94066332


My accreditations

• European Association for Psychotherapy (EAP)

• European Certificate of Psychotherapy (ECP)

• National Association for POH-GGZ (LV-POH GGZ)

• Dutch association for ECP holders (NVECP)

• Dutch Association of Psychologists, Psychosocial Therapists (NVPA)

• Register of Complementary Care Professionals (RBCZ)

• Complementary and Alternative Healthcare Foundation

• Disciplinary Law Complementary Care Foundation

• Therapy psychologist (network of therapists and psychologists)

I offer therapy in


Trauma, individual coaching, relationship issues, mood issues, imigration and adjustment, fear, anxiety, being assertive, being a perfectionist, spiritual problems, lack of meaning, insecurity, job coaching, personal dilemma's, Islamic counseling, problems with self confidence, speaking in a group, building resilience, mindfulness. 

I work problem and solution focussed on one theme at a time. My guidence is also focussed on the deeper cause of the problem instead of the symptoms. It takes courage to go there where your row spots are, to see en feel them and do something about them. During this proces I provide also coaching. 

Most common issues I support people with:

  • Self confidence and identity
  • Burn out 
  • Mood complaints (depression and anxiety)
  • Relationship issues 
  • Intercultural adjustment difficulties


Individuals: € 100 (including VAT) per session of 60 minutes.

Relationship coaching and counseling: € 135 (including VAT) per session of 75 minutes.


You can check with your health insurer which costs can be (partially) reimbursed. Coaching programs are generally not reimbursed through your health insurer. Sometimes there are other options:


 Coaching is cheap and effective for companies compared to other forms of personal development. That is why employers often reimburse it.

 Some collective labor agreements include a coaching budget. In consultation with your employer, you can freely spend this amount on coaching or career guidance.

 In some cases, the costs for coaching can be deducted from your taxable income as study costs (individuals) or business costs (entrepreneurs/self-employed).

• If you have disability insurance and you want to use the coaching to get back to work, your insurer will probably reimburse the costs in full.

If you receive benefits, the UWV may want to reimburse the costs of coaching from the budget for recovery and integration processes

Availability (Opening hours)

Monday -
Tuesday -
Wednesday 10.00 - 18.00
Thursday 10.00 - 18.00
Friday 10.00 - 18.00
Saturday 10.00 - 12.00
Sunday -


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