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Individual & relationship counseling - Haarlem - Joan
Therapy & Relationship Counseling Haarlem
Zaanenstraat 18 18
2103 VP Haarlem
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Joan | Individual & relationship counseling

Therapy & Relationship Counseling Haarlem

Are you an english speaking person, juggling with the stress of life? Feeling unbalanced, stressed, easily triggered? Maybe there are cultural issues bothering you. Or you tend to overthink or overeat or have other addiction driven behavior. I see all forms of addiction as a way of coping with feelings. 

Maybe you experienced trauma's in your childhood: were your parents not emotional available for you, or you had experiences of feeling left out, alienated? You don't need to feel alone in this, healing is possbile. 
You can reparent yourself, and become a less reactive, more loving, calm person.

Whether you struggle with individual issues or relationship issues, you are very welcome to explore both options.

I believe in the mind/body connection, so besides getting clarity (where talking can help) I also work with the body and mindfulness practices, to get a closer connection with our body, where our wisdom and intuition is more available. If you learn to FEEL your emotion instead of talking ABOUT them, you head gets less busy and you tend to feel more connected and more in the body with a less overthinking mind.

If you want to know more or make an appointment, feel free to contact me.


Online therapy

Online therapy kan be very effective and helpfull, since I work all through the Netherlands as well as in foreign countries, I am used to create an intimate yet, effective way of working with people who have emotional issues. I believe we can only grow if there is a safe environment, and online that is quite possible luckily.

Since my mother is american and my father indonesion/dutch. I am used living with different culturals and I know by heart the challenges and influence of this. 


Whether you wish to work on your relation or/and on your personal triggers and healing journey, you are welcome exactly as you are. 

Qualifications and registrations

  • Training/inspiration: Esther Perel & EFT, Piet Weisfelt
  • Relation ship Training bij Kempeler Instituut (3 jaar lang)
  • Feminine Power Facilitator
  • Talentcoach Willem Glaudemans

  • Bodywork bij Venwoude

  • Education Haptotherapie at the ITH (3 jaar)

  • Specialisation eating disorders Joanna Kortink

  • Voice Dialogue Education with Perizonius

  • Gradatim  4-jarig Psycho Sociale Therapie

  • HEAO Commerciele Economie 

I offer therapy in


I am specialized in creating healthy relationships: with yourself, food/your body, and the people around you. The root of unhealthy relationships often lies in codependency: this means that you feel dependent on the opinion, validation of others, including your partner. This leads to an unhealthy relationship/balance.

Relation ship expert:
Often a co-dependent partner attracts a counter-dependent partner, and/or they alternate. This makes the relationship difficult to flourish and gets healthy. There is so much more possible: yes, it is true that you long for more in the relationship... it is lonely if there is not a felt togetherness.

Daring to express what you really feel, want, is often difficult for codependent people. Afraid of being rejected. Does your partner understand what you mean? As a result, there is often too little real contact, real communication, and that leads to removal.
Both partners don't really feel seen and heard. And that hurts. It is an authentic desire to have a real connection with your partner.

I am (together with my partner) are specialized in family/family systems: we bring couples and families together to express what is really going on inside you, so that connection is almost always possible again. The number of sessions can vary from 3 to 10, depending entirely on where you are at the moment and what is needed in the relationship. In general, the earlier you are there, the fewer sessions are needed. If every couple would find an APK for the relationship, just as normal as for the car. Then there would be much less relationship problems. See you soon?

Individual Therapy

I am specialized in working with childhood issues; whether your trauma's are big or small, if you get easily triggered or overwhelmed life can feel diffucult. Maybe you also struggle with feelings of numbness, sadness, not able to give expression to your life or to your lonings. 

If you become the parent you wanted in your childhood, and learn to reparent yourself (get a good healty mature relationship with yourself) than your whole life will change: you feel loving, kind towards yourself (the more yin/female energy) and also you have focus, vigor for the things you find important in life.

I wrote a book about emotional eating, which can you be applied to any addictional behavior. We tend to use this as a coping strategy for feelings we could not handle in the past. Which by then, was clever, but right now as an adult you can and must learn to regulate your emotions in a healthy was to become the person you feel that is possible deep inside of you. Are you ready?

Most common issues I support people with:

1. Highly sentive persons
2. Overwhelm, stressed, triggered, burn/out, low self esteem
3. Relation ships issues
4. All sorts of daily addictions; like over-eating, working too hard, shopping/ television etc.

    (No heavy addictions, than a clinic might be necessary)
5. Co dependency. fear of abandonment or commitment

6. Grief, loss, unprocessed feelings, emotions
7. Work/private life balance


Rate & Fees (treatments throughout the Netherlands via zoom/facetime/skype possible)

Individual session (55 minutes) - 
 € 99.00 per person
Couples therapy     (60-75 min) -  € 75.00 per person (150 euro in total)

Reimbursement scheme for my treatments
If you have additional insurance, the sessions will be partially reimbursed (depending on your insurer and policy). Because the therapy is included in the supplementary insurance, you do not have to pay the legally required deductible first.

I am a member of the Dutch Healthcare Federation (NFG).

You do not need a referral from your GP.

Registration number NFG: 6704155980

AGB code healthcare provider : 90-041657

AGB code practice: 90-034930

Chamber of Commerce: 34341294

VAT no: 181417777B01


Cancel / cancel If you want to cancel a session, please do so by telephone. By text / what's app or by leaving a message. You can cancel up to 48 hours in advance at no cost. Otherwise I am forced to charge the full rate.


Depending on the guidance question you have, the trajectory varies from 3 to 15 sessions. You are also in control of this. You're not tied to anything.

Availability (Opening hours)

Monday No
Tuesday Yes
Wednesday Yes
Thursday Yes
Friday Yes
Saturday Yes
Sunday -


Reviews Therapy & Relationship Counseling Haarlem

Below you will find a review about Therapy & Relationship Counseling Haarlem - Joan

Rating of 5 out of 5
Based on 1 reviews

(Write your own review)

I'm so glad we came!

I'm so glad we came! On my own, as well for individual sessions. Thank you for being such a kind and compassionate presence!
And for your guidance. It made such a huge difference.

| Haarlem | 8 Aug 2023
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