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Psychosocial therapist  - Driebergen-Rijsenburg - Mirjam
Therapist Driebergen-Rijsenburg
Rijsenburgselaan 11 , practice space dr Mülder
3972EG Driebergen-Rijsenburg
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Mirjam | Psychosocial therapist

Therapist Driebergen-Rijsenburg

Please feel welcome at my practice for psychosocial therapy, coaching, hypnotherapy and EMDR. My name is Mirjam and I am specialized in physical complaints, processing emotional events and exploring answers to life’s questions.

You're welcome for:

  • Experiencing more peace, confidence and relaxation.
  • Insight in your complaints and/or possible relief of your complaints.
  • Experiencing self-direction; so that you can achieve your goals.
  • Answers to your life questions.
  • Help with processing an emotional event.

Coaching and psychosocial therapy, in combination with imagination and hypnotherapy, are effective methods to achieve changes.

Our subconscious determines our behavior and feelings much more than we often think. Hypnotherapy works with the subconscious. This is of value, if you wish to change something in your behavior or feeling.

My practice is registered with the NBVH (Dutch Professional Association of Hypnotherapists) and the RBCZ (Register of Professional Practitioners Complementary Care).

If you want to know more or make an appointmnet, feel free to contact me.


Online therapy

Online therapy is possible.

Qualifications and registrations

  • EMDR practitioner adults, BiVT.
  • Masterclass chronic pain, Dr Howard Schubiner.
  • Awareness towards recovery, Academie Hypnos.
  • Parkison, NBVH.
  • Tinnitus, NBVH.
  • PSBK Basic psychosocial and medical knowledge, Academie Hypnos.
  • Diploma training as a psychosocial therapist and hypnotherapist, Academie Hypnos.
  • More self-confidence, photo coaching.

  • NBVH - Dutch Professional Association of Hypnotherapists.
  • RBCZ - Register of Complementary Care Professionals.
  • TCZ - Complementary Care Disciplinary Law Foundation.
  • SCAG - Foundation for Complementary and Alternative Healthcare.
  • AGB codes.

I offer therapy in


The themes that may emerge are:
  • Pain.
  • Fear.
  • Sadness.
  • Trauma.
  • Fatigue.
  • Breathing problems.
  • Questions about meaning and life.
  • Desire to have children / pregnancy.
  • Family and relationship problems.
  • Sleep problems/nightmares.

The following methods can be used:
  • Visualization, imagination and working with symbols/metaphors.
  • Heart coherence, mindfulness, polyvagal theory, breathing and relaxation exercises.
  • Medical hypnosis, pain modification techniques, TMS & Mind-Body Syndrome guidance, ideomotor finger signals, body-oriented work.
  • Different forms of trauma processing, internal dialogues, inner child work (through timeline method, three-point dissociation, parts work or regression).
  • EMDR.
  • Systemic work/individual family constellations, partner and family conversations.
  • ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy).

Each session we look at what is most appropriate for your, what best suits your goal. 

Most common issues I support people with:

The questions that often arise in practice are:
  • Chronic pain, such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and fibromyalgia.
  • Anxiety complaints, such as fear of dentists, fear of driving, fear of sleep, fear of failure.
  • Difficulty letting go of a loved one or a desired situation.
  • Maintaining or regaining peace in difficult or challenging times.
  • Recovering from overload.


A session for adults lasts 90 minutes and costs €105 (the basic rate is €80 for 60 minutes).



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